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  "Paradise Is Everywhere" is the new "Phil Park Band" single featuring Linda Holt, Michael Gilbert Ronstadt, Josh Kanusky, and Bennie Sims




My son was born in 2006, one week early, weighing 10 pounds 4 ounces, measuring 23 inches long, and looking absolutely beautiful! Holding, caring for, and loving him have been the most fulfilling, meaningful, and enjoyable experiences of my life! Activities like singing and reading to him have become my greatest joys!
My son is the most important thing in my life and the overwhelming love I have for him is so strong that it can not be accurately conveyed in words. His first spoken word was Dada on July the 14th when he was 6 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day old. At eight and one half months old he enjoys walking with me holding his hand, following Sophie, our cat, or approaching his Baby Einstein Jumper and he can "butt-scoot" across a room in a matter of seconds with an eager and earnest sense of excitement. He becomes mesmerized and fascinated when I read, sing, or dance with him in my arms. He loves the Baby Channel and has some favorite shows, characters, and various other images that he responds to with huge smiles and squeals of delight. On 10/01/07 he waved good bye and on 10/06/07 he pulled himself up from a sitting position to a standing position unassisted for the first time (in his crib)...what an exciting moment that was. On 10/07/07 he sat up unassisted from a lying down position (in his crib). He recently celebrated his 1st birthday!!! He loves to walk up stairs now, one full step at a time, from bottom to top, with me holding his armpits. He displays an incredible amount of strength and determination while stretching his legs up to the next step and then powering his way up, sometimes leaning backwards quite a bit and smiling at me as I grasp and balance him with my hands. He was doing this cool thing at one point where he would lie on his belly on the kitchen floor and very quickly propel himself backwards and then spin around like Curly from the 3 Stooges while laughing as if he knew that he was performing entertaining is unbelievable to me that he was doing this at 13 months old. On January 30th at 1:00 PM, he took his first unassisted steps!!! When he walked towards my outstretched arms later that afternoon, my feelings of pride were so intense and emotional that it brought tears to my eyes. The loving bond that my son and I have for each other is truly remarkable. On the evening of February 5th, while following our cat Sophie, he ran for the first time :) Now he is walking, running, jumping, spinning, climbing, and toddling around pretty well on his own and of course exuding immense curiosity and pride while doing so. It is so cool to watch him climb onto an adult sized chair and sit there looking all proud and happy. He knows how to safely and slowly slide off a chair or a bed feet first on his belly. He also manages to crawl up and down our carpeted stairs, safely, one at a time, while being supervised, of course. Now he can walk up a flight of stairs with only one hand being held! I hope to set aside the time to write and record a song that will help to describe these feelings of love, devotion, and shared happiness.

Click on the "Pics" button at the top of the page to view an additional 80 happy baby pictures in partially reversed chronological order